allowed sb to do sth造句的相关图片

allowed sb to do sth造句

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用allow sb to do sth 和be allowed to do sth造句

1.Mom allow me to watch TV.妈妈允许我去看电视。2.Teacher allow me to speak in the classroom.老师允许我在教室里说话。3.Tom allow me to wear the shirt to ...

allow sb to do sth造句

allow sb to do sth造句如下:1、Gifts like chocolates or flowers are allowed.像巧克力或者花这样的礼物是准许的...

sb to do sth ./be allowed sb to do sth .请帮

be allowed sb to do sth 被允许做某事例:He is allowed to go to university for his good performance.他因为表现好而被允许进入大学。

用allow sb to do sth 和be allowed to do sth造句

1.Teenagers shuold be allowed to choose their own clothes.2.I think students should be allowed to do homework with friends.3.Sisteen-year-old should be ...

用sb allowed to do sth造句

1.Because of the destiny,you were not allowed to do it.因为命运,你是不可能保护封真和小鸟的。2. Are Hong Kong peopole allowed to do kidney transplantati...

用allow sb to do sth造句 三句 急啊!!!

☆☆☆ allow sb to do sth 也可以换成allow to do sth.allow doing 却不能换成有sb的形式 这是二者最大的区别,意思上基本没有什么区别.☆造句如下:You shouldn’t...

should be allowed to do sth.和should not allow t

一、should be allowed to do sth造句 1、People should be allowed to do what is legal.——人们应该被允许做合法的事情。2、Students should be allowed to do ...

sb be allow to do 什么意思?

sb be allowed to do sth 某人被允许去做某事 The children are allowed to watch TV.孩子们被允许看电视。

allow sb to do sth造句

Mom allow me to watch TV. 妈妈允许我去看电视。Teacher allow me to speak in the classroom. 老师允许我在教室里说话。

allow do sth.和allow doing sth.有什么不同

sth.的区别:1、allow sb to do sth,allow后有人做宾语);allow doing sth,allow后没有人做宾语。2、allow sb to d...

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